Three Amazing Health Benefits Of Kale


Kale, as any fan of green veggies will tell you, is a super food. It is probally the most talked about leafy green outside of wheatgrass. It is packed with nutrients and has some of the best results when studied in clinical tests. Another great thing about kale is that, unlike wheatgrass, is doesn’t taste bad. You can eat it in a salad, or if you really want to get the health benefits, you can juice it.

While there are lots of reasons to juice kale, here are three amazing healthy benefits that you might not have heard about.

Juicing Improves Your Eyesight

Most people think that carrots are what you eat for good eyesight. While carrots are certainly good—namely because of their beta-carotene content—there are other nutrients that are just as important. These nutrients are called lutein and zeaxanthin. You won’t find them in carrots. They are in things like peppers, spinach, and in really high amounts in kale. These are two carotenoids that are very powerful in preventing macula degeneration. Studies have shown that if you have a diet high in these two nutrients you are less likely to develop macula related diseases such as Wet AMD and dry AMD.

If you want to really make a super potent eye healthy drink, make a berry smoothie and then mix it with some cold pressed kale and apple juice. You can make the berry smoothie ahead of time and leave it in the fridge in a mason jar or in the blender container. Then make the kale and apple drink, then mix them together. The flavenoids from the berrys combined with the caretenoids from the kale is a super eye healthy drink.

Juicing Helps With Prevention Against Bladder Cancer and Colon Cancer

Cancer of the bladder is a serious issue, and there are two foods that have been found to be good at preventing and in some cases treating this disease: cauliflower and kale. They contain a cancer fighting compound called isothiocyanates.

The studies have found that cooking the kale can reduce the amount of the cancer fighting chemical. So it’s preferable to eat it raw. Now, that can be difficult to do because kale has a lot of bulk to it, which is why so many people juice it. You can make a smoothie, but this still retains the fiber. The juice will let you extract a lot more nutrients. If you’re concerned about cancer and are making kale juices for prevention, make sure to use a cold press juicer like an Omega. These juicers don’t heat up and therefore won’t destroy the isothiocyanates compounds.

Juicing Kale May Prevent Alzheimer’s

This is one of the most important health benefits of kale, and one that many people haven’t heard of. Scientits have found a link between high kale consumption and a lowered risk of Alzheimer’s. They have yet to link it to a particular nutrient, but believe it is a combination of the folate, vitamin K, lutein, and other carotenoids. Again, the scientists stress the importance of raw over cooked. Heating will destroy much of the nutrient value. This is why so many people, myself included, favor slow process-cold press juicers when making kale or other leafy greens.