Is Drinking Fresh Green Vegetable Juice The Solution For Your Fat Loss Problem

Losing fat is one of the biggest issues in the healthy industry. People all over the world are starved for information as to how they can lose fat. A key point that you should be aware of is that it is not a case of simply losing weight. Most knowledgeable people know that losing body weight in and of itself is not the goal. You will end up being skinny fat. The idea situation is to lose fat and maintain muscle. So, what you don’t want to do is crash diet. But why?

You should not crash diet for a few reasons. First you are depriving yourself of valuable nutrients when you are limiting what you eat. Secondly, and more to the point of the issue of fat loss is that you are not ingesting enough protein. The later problem can be solved if you plan on drinking protein shakes, but the first is something that will require supplementing nutrients. You can do this by either by taking a multi-vitamin or else, as this article will suggest, drinking super nutrient dense green juice made by juicing leafy greens. Here’s a breakdown on the benefits of drinking green juice when you’re dieting and trying to lose fat.

The Fiber Issue With Fat Loss and Green Juices

The main thing you should know about juicing leafy greens is that you avoid the problem of fiber. Now, fiber is good. You want fiber. But when you want to have a lot of nutrients than you need to remove the fiber. Fiber fills you up. If you are making smoothies, you will get full. This is a benefit, but it’s also a drawback if your plan is to get a lot of protein. Drinking a smoothie can fill you up, so you won’t be able to get the high amount of nutrients that you get when you remove the fiber (which doesn’t have the important vitamins and pytochemicsl) and drink the extracted juice from the leafy greens. This is one of the reasons that it’s becoming common knowledge that eating a vegetarian (or vegan diet) can lead to weight loss.

Why Juice Leafy Green Vegetables For Fat Loss

So, let’s jump back and examine why exactly you would want to juice leafy greens. What makes them the best vegetables to juice anyway? Well, it comes down to a few important nutrients. First, vitamin C is great and you would find it in citrus, but did you know that most leafy greens actually have more vitamin C than most citrus. But in addition to Vitamin C, you will find a host of other nutrients such as vitamin K, lutein, and important antioxidants that you won’t find in fruit. The other benefit to juicing leafy greens is that they are the best method of avoiding sugar. We are not talking about cane sugar, but the fruit sugars that you find in things such as apples and other fruits. Vegetables, especially leafy greens, are so great because they don’t have lots of sugars. This is important when it comes to drinking a juice because you don’t want to deal with a sugar spike.

How To Drink Fresh Green Juice

You should ideally drink the fresh juice as soon as it is made. There are storage bottles you can get (i always recommend that you use glass bottles to store your fresh green juice). This is because plastic can impart a flavor to your juice even if you are using a safe plastic that does not have BPA. So, if you are going to store the juice, make sure it is poured into a glass bottle and store it in the fridge. You should drink fresh juice as soon as possible because of the benefits of the enzymes.

What Juicer Should You Choose

You should always use a masticating juicer with an auger when you are making fresh leafy green juice. This is because the extraction method involves squeezing the juice out of the leafy greens and this doesn’t create heat which damages the enzymes. It also has the benefit of extracting as much juice as possible. Other juicer that are not made with the pressing method don’t extract as much juice and what you end up with is wet pulp that is symptomatic of juice that has not been extracted from the spinach or kale or whichever leafy greens you are using.

Here’s a great overview of the best juicers for leafy greens.