Is It Good to Juice Everyday?


One of the main reasons people buy juicers is because they want to start juicing more frequently. It’s fine to buy a juice at juice store once in a while, but if you’re serious about your health you are going to want to take the power into your own hands.

I’ve covered the reasons it’s better to juice at home before: cost, control, freshness.

So, I’m guessing that most people here are in agreement with wanting to own a juicer. The next question is should you juice everyday, once you’re brought your juicer.

Most people who have been juicing for years will tell you that it’s common to drink juice everday.

While most people who are juicing experts tend to juice everyday, it’s not something that everyone is going to take to. Some people are going to be more comfortable drinking juice every other day. And there are also people who make juice several times a day, it depends on your comfort level and how often you’ve been juicing.


Should You Juice Even If You Don’t Drink It Everyday?

The first question is if you need to juice everyday. Or should you rather only drink juice occasionally.

For most people, there going to be benefits to drinking juice everyday. You’re going to see an increased energy level, you probably will lose weight as long as you are not going crazy with junk food to compensate, and you’re going to have positive health results in other areas.

Some people react to a lot of juice at first, so experts suggest that you ease into it. This is so that you don’t get bloating, gas, or other problems. It’s rare that juice causes gas if you’re eating a health diet, so most of the time these issues only occur during the first few days of a new diet. After a while, drinking juice everyday actually improves your gut health.

Of course, this is all dependent upon you actually changing your diet. If you continue to drink soda and lots of alcohol, eat fried foods and cheeseburgers, and a lot of processed junk foods (snake cakes, chips, candy) then a single juice daily won’t accomplish much.

However, if you are using a juice as part of an overall change in diet and as something that can be used to revitalize your life and health, then it can be beneficial to drink everyday.

It certainly saves you money to juice at home everyday if you’re interested in being frugal. The cost of drinking juice from the stores is simply too expensive. This is why buying a juicer is a good idea, and not a waste of money.


What if You Can’t Find Fruit or Juice Everyday?

A lot of people want to juice everyday, but they are not in a position to go out and buy fresh fruit multiple times a week. It’s just not something that’s possible.

There are issues such as food deserts, affordability of produce, and even regular availability. Some people live in areas where it can be hard to get fresh fruit.

These areas do not even have to be “food deserts”* but might be areas where it is not convenient to travel to the store on a regular basis. It might be a case of not wanting to drive to the supermarket multiple times a week for fresh fruits and vegetables.

Well, I would suggest that you can and should buy in bulk. It’s going to save you time if you buy things in bulk as opposed to buying it everyday.

Now, some things you can’t buy in bulk because they won’t last. But I suggest buying things that will last in larger sizes.

You can even go and buy frozen fruits to use with your juicer. Frozen vegetables I would be a bit more cautious of using. They tend to hold more water.

There are some special frozen mixes that are designed for using with a frozen fruit smoothie, but I would not suggest using these with a juicer.


Should You Make Your Own Juice or Buy It Every Day?

There are definitely advantages to juicing everyday. You are going to get the health benefits from daily juicing. You’re also going to save money.

Really, the only people who have the privilege of buying juice everyday are celebrities who have trainers who help them get into shape for roles.

(As a funny aside, there’s much speculation that most celebrities are on “the juice” which is more than fruits and vegetables. There are entire YouTube channels devoted to breaking down celebs possible steroid cycles).

So, if you’re looking to make health improvements in your life, you are going to need to juice (real juice) and change your diet as well as exercise.

If you’re going to make juice everyday, make sure that you either have the proper storage for it, or that you’re going to drink it daily.

Some people might be tempted to make a whole lot of juice on a Sunday (like a Sunday meal prep) but that’s not a good idea.

At most I would make two days worth of juice. And store it only in glass bottles. There are a lot of problems associated with drinking liquids out of plastic bottles. So I always tell people that it’s best to use glass storage bottles if you are not in the position to juice fresh everyday.

Here is a good academic study on Food Deserts from HarvardFood Deserts from Harvard. It’s a long PDF publication, but I include it in case you are interested.