Should You Buy a Cold Press Juicer

There are many different types of juicers out there for sale. Cold press, slow press, masticating, fast speed, small, large ….etc. If you are looking to buy a juicer it can be incredibly daunting to buy one.

Why? because you don’t know exactly what each term means unless you’ve researched the juicer industry.

I wrote a more general article that covers how to know what juicer to buy, but I wanted something that was very specific to cold press juicers.

So, that’s why I decided to write this specific article about cold press juicers and let you determine if they are someone you should buy.

Now, first off. Not everyone should buy a juicer. Some people only drink juice once every few weeks. If that’s you, and if you’re content buying it from a juice bar, then go ahead and skip reading this.

I do think that it’s worth making your own juice at home for a lot of reasons: money, control of ingredients, making sure you’re getting clean juice. But that said, if you don’t care…then you’re not the person who should buy any juicer.

Second, if you only want to squeeze oranges and lemons then just get a good citrus juicer.

But if you’re someone who does want to make juice at home on a regular basis, then I do advise you get a cold press juicer. I’ll go over the main reasons below.

The main takeaway is that, yes, you should buy a cold pres juicer unbless you’re not serious about juicing. In that case, just don’tt get a juicer at all.


What Is a Cold Press Juicer ?

First lets define exactly what a cold press juicer is and what it’s not. The term can be a bit confusing.

A cold press juicer is any juicer that uses an auger press to slow press juice. You might also see these juicers call masticating. That’s because they do not use a high speed blade design.

The common brands that make cold press juicers are: Omega, Kuving, and Greenstar.

Cold press juicers are:

  • Quieter than other juicers
  • Slow Press Design
  • Extract More Juice
  • Create Less Heat (because they are slow and squeeze the juice out)



Is It Worth Buying a Cold Press Juicer?

Alright, so is it worth buying a cold press juicer? I obviously think so, but that’s because I am someone who is going to use it.

If you buy a juicer and don’t use it, what’s the point? So, as I will cover later on in this article, it’s important that you understand exactly what your goals are and what you will realistically do.

Are you going to use the juicer at least once a week? If so, then yes it is worth buying a cold press juicer.

I make a specific distinction between cold press juicers and other juicers. I don’t think it’s worth buying a regular juicer that uses a fast spinning blade because those are loud, don’t produce enough juice, and create too much heat.

The cost of a cold press juicer is easily recouped if you stop buying store brought juices. That’s because freshly made juicers from juice bars and health food stores are very expensive!

In most cases your juicer will pay for itself in a couple of weeks! And if you get a good cold press juicer such as an Omega or Greenstar, they will last for years!

What’s The Point of Cold Pressed Juice?

should you buy cold press juicer









The point of cold pressed juice is that it doesn’t have heat damage done to it. When you’re using a regular juicer, the high speeds and cutting wheel create heat. This damages the juice.

It’s why you see people praise “cold pressed” olive oil, coconut oil, nut butters, and certainly cold pressed juices.

The point is that you get better juice. You get:

  • More Juice Extraction
  • Higher Quality Juice
  • No Heat Damage
  • Quieter Juice Extraction
  • Easier to Clean


Does It Matter if your Juice is Cold Pressed?

Yes, it does matter. Heat does destroy nutrients. Now, it’s not as dramatic as some people claim. Is freshly made juice from a non-cold press juicer better than store brought juice? Sure.

But if given the choice, you should always opt for a cold press juicer.

They are not more expensive than regular juicers in some cases. And when they are more pricey, they are definitely worth the extra cost.

Consider this, if you’re going to be making juice on a semi regular basis, then it is important that you get the optimal juice from your machine.

Optimal juice means:

  • The most juice extracted (saves you money from buying extra fruit and veggies)
  • Cold Pressed Juice with NO Heat Damage
  • Quick Juicer Clean Up


Setting Yourself Up For Failure

Here’s the thing…if you buy a low end juicer that is not cold pressed, you’re basically setting yourself up for failure. Why?

Because when you use one of those cheap juicers, they don’t produce the juice that you expect. And they are hard to clean. No joke!

The biggest reason people fail at their goals is because juicing becomes too much work. And that’s often caused by the difficulty in cleaning the juicer.

Another reason why I really like to use cold pressed juicers is that they are simple to clean. Because they use an auger design as opposed to a cutting wheel, you won’t have to deal with a long and difficult cleaning proceess. In fact, I wrote a whole post that covers the benfiefits of easy to clean juicers. 


Buy it and Return It: The Couch Potato Lifer

One thing you’ll learn if you are in the health space is that a whole lot of people think they want to get healthy!

The key word there is think. They think they want to exercise. They think they want to stop smoking. They think they want to stop eating cheeseburgers.

But do they act on it?

Maybe they buy a treadmill. And then after a week they return it. Or else they store it in their closet or in a spare room.

Perhaps you’ve brought a juicer before, only to never use it. Now why buy another juicer? Are you the kind of person who joins a gym only to never go?

Be real with yourself. If you’re happy sitting on the couch and watching television while eating UberEats…then buying a juicer isn’t for you. Maybe your husband has said your heavy and is no longer interested. Maybe your wife called you fat. Maybe your doctor said you have high cholesterol.

No matter who said what the fact remains, you only will change when you want to.

If you’re unhealthy, overweight, feel tired all of the time, sluggish, then using a juicer will help! But the operative word is use. If you buy it and return it….then you’ll still be that heavy, tired, angry person.

The only people who should buy a juicer are the people who will use that juicer.

If you’re a beginner and looking to get healthy and make change in your life…then a cold press juicer is a good start. In fact, when I wrote a whole blog post about what kind of juicer is best for beginners the cold press design was my suggestion for everyone.