Can You Add Protein Powder to a Green Juice?


Green juice doesn’t really have protein unless you add some extra protein powder to it. So, the question is can you add protein powder to a green juice or is it going to clump up and ruin the juice.

Or worse yet, will the protein powder somehow negate the positive benefits that the green juice should give you?

Good things to ask before you go ahead and add protein to your green juice.

So let’s look at a few different questions and see how adding protein powder to green juice can either be a good thing or a negative thing for your juice.

 My personal favoriate protein powder–organic too!

What Kind of Protein Powder Do You Want to Use?

There are a few different types of protein powders that you can use. There are vegan protein powders, and whey based protein powders.

If you are going to mix your protein powder in a blender bottle of shaker bottle and use water, then it isn’t much of a concern.

However, if you are mixing your protein powder with green juice then you’re going to end up with a very powerful drink. It is important to remember that anytime you mix protein powder with a green juice you need to make sure it blends well.

Adding protein powder to a green juice is a bit different than if you were to add protein powder to a smoothie. A blender is going to help with blending up the protein powder, something that a juicer won’t do.

But if you are adding protein powder to a green juice then you’re going to have to figure out how to mix the protein powder into the juice.

If you are going to use a whey protein powder, then I suggest using an unflavored whey protein. You don’t want to add a flavored protein powder to a green juice. Can you imagine drinking a chocolate flavored green juice?

Of course not! So it makes sense to stick to a protein powder that isn’t flavored. I would suggest that you get either a Naked Protein Powder or else NorCal. Honestly, NorCal is the best protein powder available. It’s the only protein powder that isn’t made or processed in China (so if you are concerned about Chinese production methods and their dangerous use of chemicals in the past, I would get Norcal).


Vegan Protein vs Whey Protein: Which Mixes Better In Green Juice

Honestly, either works well. Vegan protein does not mix as well as whey protein, but if you shake up the juice with the vegan protein, and drink it soon after making it.

A lot of people have an aversion to mixing whey protein with their green juices. Perhaps they are vegans and do not want to consume animal products. Or maybe they just find that vegan protein is easier on their stomach.

Whatever the reason you certainly can make a great green juice using a vegan protein powder.

I would suggest that you use one of the following vegan protein powders. Again, it would be better to skip a flavored protein powder and instead choose one that is unflavored.

Ok, But Which Protein Powder Tastes Better in Green Juice?

My personal suggestion would be to use whichever protein powder you are comfortable with. If you are a vegan, then that means you should use a protein powder that you feel is a good fit. So, I’d choose an unflavored vegan protein such as NorCal or maybe a Naked Pea protein.

You can even experiment with different vegan protein powder options when making green juices and use a few different attempts to see what you like.


When To Add Protein Powder to a Green Juice

I would suggest that when you’re making a green juice, that you pick an unflavored protein powder.

Now, as to when you should add the protein powder, that is simple enough. You should add the protein after the juice is made. You should never add protein powder to the juicer.

Add the protein powder to a glass with the juice and then mix with a spoon. However that won’t necessarily make it better to drink.

What I would suggest it taking your green juice and then adding it to a shaker bottle or blender bottle, and then mixing the protein powder into the juice like you would with a regular protein shake.

Here’s the truth, you can make a really great green juice with protein powder—either vegan or whey—as long as you add the protein powder once the juice has been made.

Simply add the protein powder to the juice and use a shaker bottle to mix it up.

Remember, if you are making a green juice, there is some protein in it to begin with. 

However, if you really want to hit your protein goals, then you will have to add extra protein to your green juice. By adding a vegan or whey protein powder to your green juice you’re going to be able to hit a goal of 20 grams of protein. That can mean the difference between making your protein goals and not hitting them.